Monday, April 21, 2008

Help Wanted:

I finished a "Little Red Hen" quilt about a year ago (the pattern is in this book). I've been trying to decide on what color of pillows to put with it to finish the look. I've gone back and forth several times and can't seem to make a decision. Does anyone have any great ideas? My furniture is black, and I do have a ceramic wash bowl and pitcher (made for me by Barry's Grandma several years ago--love it!) that has a really pretty blue in it--would you go with blue? Black? Red? Something completely different? This decision will also help me with curtains. Help me please!!!!


Amanda said...

I am SO not the one to help you with that (sorry!) ... that's a very nice quilt, though.

Becky's Place said...

I was just at Tuesday Morning and they had some really nice pillows that might work for you. Check there when you get some time -- yeah right. :)

Natilie said...

I've got nothing. It is very beautiful. I will keep my eyes open.

Christina said...

I say go with red pillows with a 5 in (or so) cream border around the outside. (all matching what you have now) The quilt is really very pretty! Good job!