Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Travel Ambition

Here's another take-along project for the road...I want to do a travel album like this one using these supplies. I love the idea of having a book ready to fill up with memorabilia and journaling as we go. I'm planning on getting it prepared and ready ahead of time, so the rest should be fairly easy. Also hoping to take some photos that are DIFFERENT than the same old same old ones we've taken the past two times...wish me luck!

Birth of My Baby Jane

I have been dying to get started on this quilt for some time. In preparation for the upcoming 30 hour road trip we are about to embark on, I have been preparing some blocks to take with me. I think this is a perfect take-along project. The blocks are small (4 1/2 inches finished) and there are a lot of them that can be hand-pieced or appliqued. It will give me something fun to do in the car. I'll share my progress after we return....

P.S. In case you are wondering why the "Baby Jane" title, the author of this book calls all reproductions of this quilt Baby Janes.

A Place For Everything and Everything In Its Place

I am loving having a cupboard to store all my crafting supplies in. It's so nice to have it at my fingertips so that when I am ready to make something, I don't have to go digging and searching. Hopefully this makes me use it more! I'm also hoping I can keep it organized and neat...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A Year Later...

I participated in a Saturday Sampler at American Quilting that ended last June. It was a block of the month quilt, and although it was quite challenging, I really enjoyed making it. I stayed somewhat caught up, and last summer before we moved out of our house, I actually finished up all the blocks except for the embroidery on the snowmen's faces. That silly block has traveled around in my quilting bag with me ever since. I sewed with Alisa today and decided to work on it again. I got the black sashing sewn between all the blocks, then tonight I finished the embroidery on the snowmen while watching American Idol. After I finished that, I hurried and put the borders on and voila! The top is done. Now I just need to decide whether to hand quilt it or take it to someone for machine quilting...and then move on and finish the three other quilts that are in the same stage of completion---blocks pieced but not sewn together. It's easy for me to get to that point. Finishing is the hard part...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Roman Shades

I've made some Roman Shades for the kids' rooms. I was copying some I saw from Pottery Barn. The boys' turned out okay, but they are a pain to put back up after you put them down--they don't fold up right for some reason. Thus, the boys never put them down--what is the purpose of them then??? With Morgan's I tried to let the shade droop down in the middle to form a scallop--didn't work. It just looks sloppy. So I'm in the process of trying to figure out what to do with it. Some projects just don't turn out the way you've envisioned, do they???